Paid Advertising

Paid Advertising Solutions for Your Company

Organic marketing can only get you so far. Venturing into paid advertising on platforms like social media sites and PPC networks gives you an edge over the competition.

Paid advertising is an online advertising model where businesses and advertisers outbid each other in real-time ad space auctions for their ads to appear on social media platforms and advertising networks. Paid advertising, also called PPC or Pay-Per-Click advertising, is where you pay for every click on your ad; the more clicks, the more engagements, the more you’ll have to pay.

Advertising networks and social media platforms have dedicated PPC bidding pages where advertisers bid for ad space. The algorithms decide which ads to place in the available slots based on the bid amount, quality, and brand authority.

With Paid advertising, your business can customize your ads to match your audience’s needs. Ads can be text, images, videos, and interactive ads. You can choose to have your ad published as;

  • Search ad: displayed on the Search engine result page when a prospect searches for keywords for which your ads and brand rank.
  • Display ad: more granular targeting based on demographics and interests. Ads show in web browsers or mobile apps and are considered disruptive

How Does Paid Advertising Help Your Business?

Center Step Marketing is a North Texas paid advertising company providing paid ad management services that help your business set up, create, manage, evaluate and improve PPC campaigns.

Our paid advertising solutions provide integration for ad performance tracking and measurement. Our turnkey PPC solutions involve in-depth research, tech-enabled analytics, targeted PPC strategies, competitor analysis, and professional ad copywriting to maximize performance. Our experts also optimize your existing ad copy, track crucial metrics and provide regular performance reports.

Our North Texas paid advertising services are focused on your end goals, whether you want to increase revenue and traffic, expand brand awareness or retarget your lost customers. Our paid advertising services include:

Ad remarketing: retargeting & remarketing services that rekindle your top-performing paid ad campaigns, create improved remarketing ad copies, and retarget prospects.

Social media ads: expand your recognition and grow a social media community through social media ads like LinkedIn ads, Twitter ads, Facebook ads, Pinterest ads, and Instagram ads.

Content marketing: plan, create, test, and publish valuable content that tells your brand story using professional copywriting featuring targeted keywords, compelling media, and customer-focused marketing.

LSA: Designed for service businesses in specific geographical regions, Google Local Services Ads (LSA) only require you to pay-per-lead, not pay-per-click. Your business only pays for leads you receive, not just all clicks, whether a lead or not.

Center Step Marketing creates paid advertising campaigns featuring captivating headlines, high-performing keywords, engaging content and media, magnetizing CTAs, and converting landing pages.

We create relevant, impactful, and customized Pay Per Click & other paid ads that compel your target audience while focusing on the metrics and KPIs that matter to your business.

Why Do You Need Paid Advertising?

There’s only so much growth and returns organic marketing can achieve; paid advertising gives you a higher chance of success.

Paid ad campaigns are affordable and measurable. The costs depend on the ads and platform, with several options available according to plans like Cost-per-click and Cost Per 1000 impressions or CPM.

Paid advertising offers granular targeting that allows you to match your ads to fit the buyer’s personas and demographics. When paired with in-depth audience analytics, paid advertising improves your audience and allows you to refine your targeting.

Paid ads are endlessly renewable. You can set up your paid ad across multiple platforms to suit your paid advertising requirements. You can then focus on the channels that match your brand goals.

Retargeting and remarketing is easier with paid ads. With the built-in analytics and testing options, you can easily measure and refine your ads and remarket them to the previous audience. Paid advertising campaigns from Center Step North Texas paid advertising services deliver immediate results as soon as you launch.

Best Paid Advertising Practices That We Follow:

  • We exhaust targeting options available, from granular targeting based on demographic data to behavior-based targeting according to customer search intent
  • Retarget and republish ads to stay top of mind
  • Analyze, refine and track performance results across all campaigns.
  • Stick to channels that match your audience personas, including social media platforms and ad networks
  • Budget according to your campaign goals and channel needs.
  • Use high-impact, compelling videos and images to show off your products and services
  • Have the keywords focus on pain points and ensure your ads showcase how your products solve challenges

Signs You Need to Improve Your Paid Ad Campaign

  • You are consistently underspending your budget and underachieving. If your ads simply aren’t showing up according to demand, you are either targeting a smaller radius or your keywords are too few.
  • You have either too few or no branded terms as keywords: your business isn’t paying for keywords you already rank for organically.
  • You focus on one metric to choose keywords, whether its Cost Per Click or CPM
  • Campaign success is measured solely on the return on ad spend (ROAS) and impressions and clicks rather than tracking the metrics that matter to your advertising goals.
  • And your business is focusing on text-based PPC ads.
  • All your ads are linking back to your home page rather than customized landing pages
  • It’s been a while since you updated your ads, and your creative team is not keeping up with your ads and upgrading them regularly.

Contact the Paid Advertising Specialists from Center Step Marketing

We listen to your goals then dive internally with a strategy that aids in achieving those goals. We provide a no-obligation audit of your current campaign along with recommendations to take your business to the next step. Looking to place your brand on the center step? Call us at (817) 985-6589 for a free consultation.

Put Your Brand on the Center Step